Stop Counting Calories — Do THIS Instead
If you’ve struggled with getting the results you want from counting calories, try this more realistic approach.

How Fast Should I Lose Weight?
No one wants to lose weight too slowly. The problem is, if you do it too quickly, you have a significantly higher chance of gaining all...

How Being Consistent Can Be Easy
You can have all the knowledge in the world on eating better and exercising effectively. It won’t do you any good if you can’t apply that...

9 Things that Actually Matter for Fat Loss
The advice you can find on how to lose fat is not only infinite, it’s often conflicting. I decided to make it easy for you to figure out...

Why 90% Effort is More than Enough
Perfection is overrated. Don’t give up on your diet or exercise plan just because you messed up. You can still get extraordinary results...

What Should You Do First to Get in Shape?
There are countless options for getting started with diet and exercise. Should you try calorie cycling, bodybuilding, intermittent...